About House of Joy

House of Joy

In 1989, House of Joy was originally founded under the name Delight 28 at 28 Pell St in Chinatown, New York. It became the center for community gatherings, weddings and New Year's celebrations. The freshly steamed morning dim sum and signature evening dishes were loved by both locals and critics and have since become favorites to thousands of diners.

In 2020, due to difficult times, a new management was set in place. With the new management, Delight 28 became House of Joy. The intention is to preserve the banquet hall's historical purpose and traditional elements while substantially improving the quality of service, food and comfort. The rebranding of House of Joy has increased the capacity from 400 seats to 500 seats while including special amenities such as Karaoke private rooms and elegant interior.

We welcome you to bring your families, friends and acquaintances to create and share stories and memories of your own. Whether it be a Saturday morning brunch or a big wedding venue, we guarantee our guest's best quality food and service.


喜运来大酒楼建立于1989年,位于28 Pell Street。原名为洪顺楼,后于1995年更名为喜运来大酒楼,并沿用至今。喜运来以传统新鲜美味的点心与菜式获得大众的认可,是不少华人社团聚餐的首选,是华人、华侨们各种大型聚餐的选择,也是华人社区街坊们每天拜访、聊家常的粤式酒楼。在许多人眼里,”饮茶“不仅仅是传统美食文化,更是一种生活情怀。喜运来一直致力于纽约华埠的发展,并努力将这些传统文化和情怀传承下去。


喜运来欢迎您带上三两好友或是家人,在这一起磕磕家常、交流以及分享生活;喜运来欢迎您在这与亲朋好友们庆祝大小喜事和节日;喜运来欢迎您在这与许久不见的朋友们举杯重聚。欢迎来到喜运来大酒楼,您会发现加入新元素与现代文化的传统粤式美食酒楼不仅仅是传统和情怀,还是新的潮流。喜运来大酒楼致力于成为未来纽约华埠必打卡的餐馆之一。 欢迎大家莅临喜运来大酒楼!

28 Pell Street, New York, NY, 10013
+1 212-285-8688

Monday - Sunday
09:00 AM - 11:00 PM